INSECTIA MUSIC is the brainchild of Miguel Lugo (that’s me!),  who fell in love with the insects that live in his native Caribbean island of Puerto Rico.  Whether plucking the weevils on my pigeon pea shrubs (locally called “vaquitas de San Pedro”), capturing  backswimmers from the local hotel’s swimming pool, to being amazed by the brightly-colored, largest caterpillar I ever saw (the sphinx moth) – the endless variety of shapes, colors and behaviors filled my young mind with wonder and delight.

I grew up and became a physician – an eye surgeon – and that kept me busy for many decades.  My love for insects had to be satisfied by reading books about them, and by showing what I temporarily captured to anyone who would humor my enthusiasm.

Now I’m sharing my love for INSECTIA by way of these musical compositions.  I hope you enjoy them!